


Fp (CpFeCO2)分子的合成及其超分子化学

Synthesis and Supramolecular Chemistry of Fp (CpFeCO2) Molecules




加拿大滑铁卢大学化学系和纳米技术中心。1998年进入英国萨塞克斯大学从事博士后研究,此后先后在加拿大多伦多大学和英国利兹大学担任副研究员和讲师工作,2011年入职加拿大滑铁卢大学并工作至今.多年来一直从事高分子方向的研究,涉及聚合物化学、自组装化学和纳米技术领域。开创了活性自组装聚合领域,首先合成了结构可控的组装材料和具有超分子双链结构的聚合物,发展了利用嵌段共聚物胶束合成功能纳米材料的新技术,创建了一种新的聚会技术,迁移-插入聚合,合成了一系列新型金属有机聚合物。基于他开创的合成和组装技术,他开拓和研究了非水溶性分子在水中组装行为,为开发蛋白质模拟材料提供理论基础。在相关领域发表SCI论文100余篇,包括1Science4Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.1Adv. Mater7J. Am. Chem. Soc1Biomaterials1Nanoscale12Macromolecules 。总引用5000余次。2篇论文分别被 Chem Eur J. J Mater Chem C评为 Very important Paper (VIP)Hot Papers

报告摘要:By researching into Fp (CpFe(CO)2) chemistry, we have contributed significantly to the field of metal-containing polymers (MCP) and supramolecular chemistry. We realized the possibility for the synthesis of processible MCP containing air-sensitive metal complexes using host-guest chemistry; We also developed a new polymerization technique, namely migration insertion polymerization (MIP), which allowed us to access to a novel group of MCP with Fp acyl repeating units. This repeating unit is highly polarized and the corresponding MCP exhibits a large dipole moment. By taking this advantage, we started to explore the role of dipole-dipole interaction in supramolecular chemistry. The resultant MCP is not water-soluble, but able to assemble in water due to water-carbonyl interaction and self-assembled nanostructure. Following this behaviour, several water-insoluble Fp acyl derivatives were prepared and their assembling behavior in water was investigated. This exploration created a molecular platform for the exploration of hydrophobic effect that is a concept widely used but poorly understood. This progress of our research will be presented in the talk.
