


















沪江特聘教授 上海理工大学  2019-至今


讲师,上海理工大学,  2010-2013



作为项目负责人获得国家自然科学青年基金、上海市自然科学青年和面上基金、上海市教委创新项目资助。在Phys. Rev. EJ. Phys. AJ. Math. Phys.Phys. Lett. ANonlinear Analysis: Real World ApplicationsNonlinear dynamicsThe IMA Journal of Applied MathematicsChaos等国际知名期刊发表论文50多余篇。

  1. Zhang haiqiang, Liu Rui and Chen Fa, Rogue waves on the double-periodic background for a nonlinear Schrodinger equation with higher-order effects, Nonlinear Dynamics, 111 (2022), 645-654.

  2. Wei Yunchun and Zhang haiqiang, Vector multi-pole solutions in the r-coupled Hirota equation, Wave Motion, 112 (2022), 102959.

  3. Wu Qinglin and Zhang haiqiang, Breathers, rogue waves and breather-rogue waves on a periodic background for the modified nonlinear Schrodinger equation, Wave Motion, 110 (2022), 102890.

  4. Chen Fa and Zhang haiqiang, Periodic travelling waves and rogue waves for the higher-order modified Korteweg-de Vries equation, Communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulation, 97, (2021), 105767.

  5. Zhang haiqiang and Chen Fa, Rogue waves for the fourth-order nonlinear Schrodinger equation on the periodic background, Chaos, 31 (2021), 023129.

  6. Zhang haiqiang, Chen Fa and Pei Zhijie, Rogue waves of the fifth-order Ito equation on the general periodic travelling wave solutions background, Nonlinear Dynamics, 103 (2021), 1023-1033.

  7. Gao Xia and Zhang haiqiang, Rogue waves for the Hirota equation on the Jacobi elliptic cn-function background, Nonlinear Dynamics, 101 (2020),1159-1168.

  8. Zhang haiqiang, Pei Zhijie and Ma Wen-Xiu, Riemann-Hilbert approach for a coherently-coupled nonlinear Schrodinger system associated with a 4 x 4 matrix spectral problem, Chaos solitons & fractals, 123 (2019), 429-434.

  9. Zhang haiqiang and Gao min, Rational soliton solutions in the parity-time-symmetric nonlocal coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations, Communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulation, 63, (2018), 253-260.

  10. Zhang haiqiang and Wang Yue, Multi-dark soliton solutions for the higher-order nonlinear Schrodinger equation in optical fibers, Nonlinear Dynamics, 91 (2018),1921-1930.

  11. Zhang haiqiang and Yuan Shasha, General N-dark vector soliton solution for multi-component defocusing Hirota system in optical fiber media, Communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulation, 51, (2017),124-132.

  12. Zhang haiqiang and Yuan Shasha, Dark soliton solutions of the defocusing Hirota equation by the binary Darboux transformation, Nonlinear Dynamics, 89 (2017),531-538.

  13. Zhang haiqiang, Wang yue and Ma Wen-Xiu, Binary Darboux transformation for the coupled Sasa-Satsuma equations, Chaos, 27 (2017),073102.

  14. Zhang haiqiang and Ma Wen-Xiu,Resonant multiple wave solutions for a (3+1)-dimensional nonlinear evolution equation by linear superposition principle, Computers & mathematics with applications, 73, (2017), 2339-2343.

  15. Zhang haiqiang and Ma Wen-Xiu, Lump solutions to the (2+1)-dimensional Sawada-Kotera equation, Nonlinear Dynamics, 87 (2017),2305-2310.

  16. Wen Lili and Zhang haiqiang, Rogue wave solutions of the (2+1)-dimensional derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equation, Nonlinear Dynamics, 86 (2016),877-889.

  17. Zhanghaiqiang, Liu xiaoli and Wen Lili, Soliton, Breather, and Rogue Wave for a (2+1)-Dimensional Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation, Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung Section A, 71, (2016), 95-101.

  18. Yang bo, Zhang weiguo, Zhang haiqiang and Pei shengbing, Generalized Darboux transformation and rational soliton solutions for Chen-Lee-Liu equation, Applied mathematics and computation, 242, (2014), 863-876.

  19. Chen QiZhang Weiguo, Zhang haiqiang and Yang bo, Rogue Wave Solutions for Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation with Variable Coefficients in Nonlinear Optical Systems, Communications in theoretical physics, 62 (2014), 373-382.

  20. Yang bo, Zhang weiguo, Zhang haiqiang and Pei shengbing, Generalized Darboux transformation and rogue wave solutions for the higher-order dispersive nonlinear Schrodinger equation, Physica Scripta, 88, (2013), 065004.

  21. Zhang haiqiang, Energy-exchange collisions of vector solitons in the N-coupled mixed derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equations from the birefringent optical fibers, Optics communications, 290 (2013), 141-145.

  22. Zhai Baoguo, Zhang Weiguo, Wang xiaoli and Zhang haiqiang, Multi-rogue waves and rational solutions of the coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations, Nonlinear analysis-real world applications, 14, (2013), 14-27.

  23. Zhang haiqiang, Darboux Transformation and N-Soliton Solution for the Coupled Modified Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations, Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung Section A, 67, (2012), 711-722.

  24. Wang xiaoli, Zhang weiguo, Zhai baoguo and Zhang haiqiang, Rogue Waves of the Higher-Order Dispersive Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation, Communications in theoretical physics, 58 (2012), 531-538.

  25. Zhang haiqiang, Zhai baoguo and Wang xiaoli, Soliton and breather solutions of the modified nonlinear Schrodinger equation, Physica Scripta, 85, (2012), 015007.

  26. Zhang haiqiang, Zhai baoguo and Wang xiaoli, Dark and antidark soliton solutions in the modified nonlinear Schrodinger equation with distributed coefficients in inhomogeneous fibers, Physica Scripta, 85, (2012), 015006.

  27. Qin Bo, Tian Bo, etal and Zhang haiqiang, Solitonic excitations and interactions in the three-spine alpha-helical protein with inhomogeneity, SIAM journal on applied mathematics, 71, (2011), 1317-1353.

  28. Qin Bo, Tian Bo, Liu Wenjun, Zhang haiqiang, Qu qixing and Liu licai, Solitonic excitations and interactions in an alpha-helical protein modeled by three coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations with variable coefficients, Journal of Physics A-mathematical and theoretical, 43, (2010), 485201.

  29. Lu Xing, Tian Bo, Zhang haiqiang, Xu Tao and Li He, Integrability study on a generalized (2+1)-dimensional variable-coefficient Gardner model with symbolic computation, Chaos, 20 (2010), 043125.

  30. Zhang haiqiang, Tian Bo, Liu Wenjun and Xue Yushan, Ultrashort soliton pulses in the modified nonlinear Schrodinger equation with distributed coefficients in inhomogeneous fibers, European Physical Journal D, 59, (2010), 443-449.

  31. Lu Xing, Li Juan, Zhang haiqiang, Xu Tao, Li lili and Tian Bo, Integrability aspects with optical solitons of a generalized variable-coefficient N-coupled higher order nonlinear Schrodinger system from inhomogeneous optical fibers, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 51, (2010), 043511.

  32. Li Min, Tian Bo, Liu Wenjun, Zhang haiqiang and Wang Pan, Dark and antidark solitons in the modified nonlinear Schroumldinger equation accounting for the self-steepening effect, Physical Review E, 81, (2010), 046606.

  33. Xu Tao, Tian Bo, Zhang haiqiang and Li Juan, Integrable decompositions for the (2+1)-dimensional Gardner equation, Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 61, (2010), 293-308.

  34. Li Juan and Zhang haiqiang, Symbolic computation on the Darboux transformation for a generalized variable-coefficient higher-order nonlinear Schrodinger equation from fiber optics, Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications, 365 (2010), 517-524.

  35. Zhang haiqiang, Tian Bo, Lu Xing and Meng Xianghua, Soliton dynamics and elastic collisions in a spin chain with an external time-dependent magnetic field, Physica A, 389 (2010), 367-374.

  36. Zhang haiqiang, Tian Bo, Lu Xing, Li He and Meng Xianghua, Soliton interaction in the coupled mixed derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equations, Physics Letters A, 373 (2009), 4315-4321.

  37. Zhang haiqiang, Tian Bo, Meng Xianghua, Lu Xing and Liu Wenjun, Conservation laws, soliton solutions and modulational instability for the higher-order dispersive nonlinear Schrodinger equation, European Physical Journal B, 72, (2009), 233-239.

  38. Liu Wenjun, Tian Bo, Zhang haiqiang, Xu Tao and Li He,Solitary wave pulses in optical fibers with normal dispersion and higher-order effects, Physical Review A, 79, (2009), 063810.

  39. Zhang haiqiang, Xu Tao, Li Juan, Li Lili, Zhang Cheng and Tian Bo, Darboux Transformation and Symbolic Computation on Multi-Soliton and Periodic Solutions for Multi-Component Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations in an Isotropic Medium, Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung Section A, 64, (2009), 300-308.

  40. Zhang haiqiang, Tian Bo, Li Juan, Xu Tao and Zhang Yaxing,Symbolic-computation study of integrable properties for the (2+1)-dimensional Gardner equation with the two-singular manifold method, IMA Journal Of Applied Mathematics, 74, (2009), 46-61.

  41. Zhang haiqiang, Tian Bo, Li Lili and Xue Yushan,Darboux transformation and soliton solutions for the (2+1)-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger hierarchy with symbolic computation, Physica A, 388 (2009), 9-20.

  42. Liu Wenjun, Tian Bo and Zhang haiqiang, Types of solutions of the variable-coefficient nonlinear Schrodinger equation with symbolic computation, Physical Review E, 78, (2009), 066613.

  43. Zhang haiqiang, Tian Bo, Xu Tao Li He, Zhang Cheng and Zhang Huan,Lax pair and Darboux transformation for multi-component modified Korteweg-de Vries equations, Journal of Physics A-mathematical and theoretical, 41, (2008), 355210.

  44. Zhang haiqiang, Meng Xianghua, Li Juan and Tian Bo,Soliton resonance of the (2+1)-dimensional Boussinesq equation for gravity water waves,Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications, 9, (2008), 920-926.

  45. Liu Wenjun, Tian Bo, Zhang haiqiang, Li Lili and Xue Yushan,Soliton interaction in the higher-order nonlinear Schrodinger equation investigated with Hirota's bilinear method, Physical Review E, 77, (2009), 066605.

  46. Xu Tao, Li Juan, Zhang haiqiang, etal, Integrable aspects and applications of a generalized inhomogeneous N-coupled nonlinear Schrodinger system in plasmas and optical fibers via symbolic computation, Physics Letters A, 372 (2008), 1990-2001.

  47. Zhang haiqiang, Xu Tao, Li Juan and Tian Bo,Integrability of an N-coupled nonlinear Schrodinger system for polarized optical waves in an isotropic medium via symbolic computation, Physical Review E, 77, (2008), 026605.

  48. Xu Tao, Zhang haiqiang, etal,Two types of generalized integrable decompositions and new solitary-wave solutions for the modified Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation with symbolic computation, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 49, (2008),013501.

  49. Li Juan, Xu Tao, Meng Xianghua, Zhang Yaxing, Zhang haiqiang and Tian Bo,Lax pair, Backlund transformation and N-soliton-like solution for a variable-coefficient Gardner equation from nonlinear lattice, plasma physics and ocean dynamics with symbolic computation, Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications, 336 (2007), 1443-1455.

  50. Zhang haiqiang, Li Juan, Xu Tao, Zhang Yaxing, Hu Wei and Tian Bo,Optical soliton solutions for two coupled nonlinear Schrodinger systems via Darboux transformation, Physica Scripta, 76, (2007), 452-460.

  51. Li Juan, Zhang haiqiang, etal,Symbolic computation on the multi-soliton-like solutions of the cylindrical Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation from dusty plasmas, Journal of Physics A-mathematical and theoretical, 40, (2007), 7643-7657.

  52. Zhang haiqiang, Meng Xianghua, Xu Tao, Li Lili and Tian Bo,Interactions of bright solitons for the (2+1)-dimensional coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations from optical fibres with symbolic computation, Physica Scripta, 75, (2007), 537-542.



