

报告题目Basic Reproduction Ratios for Periodic Compartmental Models with Time Delay(具有时滞的周期窗式模型的基本再生数)

报告时间:2017623日(周五) 上午9:30-10:30


报告摘要:In this talk, I will report our recent research on basic reproduction ratios for a large class of time-delayed compartmental population models in aperiodic environment. It is proved that this ratio serves as a thresholdvalue for the stability of the zero solution of the associated periodiclinear systems. As an illustrative example, we also apply the developedtheory to a periodic SEIR model with an incubation period and obtain athreshold result on its global dynamics in terms of the basic reproductionratio.

报告人介绍:赵晓强,加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学教授。博士期间师从我国运动稳定性理论先驱秦元勋先生。1997年至2005年先后任美国Arizona州立大学为访问教授、加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学助理教授、副教授;从20058月至今任加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学教授。赵晓强教授是国际动力系统及应用研究领域中最活跃的学者之一,他关于单调动力系统、无穷维动力系统渐近性理论及其应用方面的很多工作已成为了该领域研究的经典文献。迄今为止,他在Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics等国际知名期刊上发表学术论文130余篇,2003年在Springer-Verlag出版社出版专著“Dynamical Systems in Population Biology”。他是国际期刊Canadian Mathematical Bulletin的主编,同时也是多个国际数学期刊的编委会成员。
