

报告题目:Asymptotic behavior and spreading speeds by travelling wave maps (行波的渐近行为与传播速度)



报告摘要:Based on the iterative properties of traveling wave maps, we develop a new method to obtain spreading speeds and asymptotic propagation for monostable and bistable reaction-diffusion equations. Precisely, for Dirichlet problems of monostable reaction-diffusion equations on the half line, by making links between travelling wave maps and integral operators with the Dirichlet diffusion kernel (the latter is NOT invariant under translation), we obtain some iteration properties of the Dirichlet diffusion and some a priori estimates on nontrivial solutions of Dirichlet problems under the traveling wave transformation. We then provide the asymptotic behavior of nontrivial solutions in the space-time region for Dirichlet problems. These enable us to develop a unified method to obtain results on heterogeneous steady states, traveling waves, spreading speeds, and asymptotic spreading behavior for Dirichlet problem of monostable reaction-diffusion equation on $R_+$ as well as of monostable/bistable reaction-diffusion equations on $R$.


陈玉明教授,1991年毕业于北京大学数学系,1994年获得北京大学数学专业硕士学位,2000年在加拿大York University获理学博士学位,2001年起至今任教于加拿大Wilfrid Lauvier大学数学系,先后担任助理教授、副教授(2006)、正教授(2014)

陈玉明教授研究领域包括泛函微分方程、动力系统、神经网络、矩阵和张量分析以及生物数学等,SCI源期刊发表论文80余篇。他在泛函微分方程分岔、具对称性动力系统、状态依赖时滞微分方程、中心流形和正规型理论以及他们在种群动力学、神经网络和格动力系统等领域的应用研究领域做出的研究具有广泛国际影响力,在时滞反应扩散方程动力学方面研究也作出了重要研究,许多文章成为这一领域内的经典文献。陈玉明教授担任《Journal of Neural Computing Systems》、《International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Engineering Sciences》等学术期刊编委,是国际动力系统领域的知名专家
