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  2. S. Liu, Z. Wang, Y. Chen, and G. Wei, Protocol-based unscented Kalman filtering in the presence of stochastic uncertainties, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2020, 65(3): 1303-1309.

  3. S. Liu, Z. Wang, G. Wei and M. Li, Distributed set-membership filtering for multi-rate systems under the Round-Robin scheduling over sensor networks, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2020, 50(5):1910-1920  

  4. S. Liu, Z. Wang, L. Wang and G. Wei, Recursive set-membership state estimation over a FlexRay network, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2022, 52(6):3591-3601.

  5. S. Liu, Z. Wang, L. Wang and G. Wei, H-infinity pinning control of complex dynamical networks under dynamic quantization effects: A coupled backward Riccati equation approach, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2022, 52(8): 7377-7387.

  6. S. Liu, T. Xu and E. Tian, Event-based pinning synchronization control for time-delayed complex dynamical networks: The finite-time boundedness, IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, 2021, 7, 730-739.  

  7. Q. Luo, S. Liu, L. Wang and E. Tian, Privacy-preserved distributed optimization for multi-agent systems with antagonistic interactions, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I- Regular Papers, DOI: 10.1109/TCSI.2022.3226578.

  8. X. Zhao, and S. Liu, Distributed recursive filtering for multi-rate nonlinear systems under the Round-Robin scheduling, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022, 107(1): 939-952.

  9. G. Wei, S. Liu, Y. Song, and Y. Liu, Probability-guaranteed set-membership filtering for systems with incomplete measurements, Automatica, 2015, 60: 12-16.

  10. T. Xu, S. Liu, and G. Wei, Event-based finite-time H-infinity synchronization control for switched complex networks with average dwell time, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2022, 32(6): 3923-3943.

  11. S. Liu, Z. Wang, J. Hu and G. Wei, Protocol-based extended Kalman filtering with quantization effects: The Round-Robin case, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2020, 30(18): 7927-7946.

  12. S. Liu, X. Zhao, E. Tian and G. Wei, Distributed recursive filtering under random access protocols: A multirate strategy, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2022, 32(12): 7132-7148.  

  13. S. Liu, Z. Wang, Y. Chen and G. Wei, Dynamic event-based state estimation for delayed artificial neural networks with multiplicative noises: A gain-scheduled approach, Neural Networks, 2020, 132: 211-219.

  14. S. Liu, Z. Wang, B. Shen and G. Wei, Partial-neurons-based state estimation for delayed neural networks with state-dependent noises under redundant channels, Information Sciences, 2021, 547: 931-944.

  15. S. Liu, Z. Wang, and G. Wei, On quantized H-infinity filtering for multi-rate systems under stochastic communication protocols: The finite-horizon case, Information Sciences, 2018, 459: 211-223.

  16. S. Liu, Y. Song, G. Wei, and X. Huang, RMPC-based security problem for polytopic uncertain system subject to deception attacks and persistent disturbances, IET Control Theory and Applications, 2017, 11(10): 1611-1618.  

  17. S. Liu, G. Wei, Y. Song, and D. Ding, Set-membership state estimation subject to uniform quantization effects and communication constraints, Journal of the Franklin Institute-Engineering and Applied Mathematics, 2017, 354 (15): 7012-7027.

  18. S. Liu, Y. Song, G. Wei, D. Ding, and Y. Liu, Event-triggered dynamic output feedback RMPC for polytopic systems with redundant channels: Input-to-state stability, Journal of the Franklin Institute-Engineering and Applied Mathematics, 2017, 354(7): 2871-2892.

  19. S. Liu, G. Wei, Y. Song, and Y. Liu, Extended Kalman filtering for stochastic nonlinear systems with randomly occurring cyber attacks, Neurocomputing, 2016, 207: 708-716.

  20. S. Liu, G. Wei, Y. Song, and Y. Liu, Error-constrained reliable tracking control for discrete time-varying systems subject to quantization effects, Neurocomputing, 2016, 174: 897-905.

  21. L. Wang, S. Liu, Y. Zhang, D. Ding and X. Yi, Non-fragile l2-l∞ state estimation for time-delayed artificial neural networks: an adaptive event-triggered approach, International Journal of Systems Science, 2022, 53(10): 2247-2259.




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