





电子邮箱: zhaoxinli@usst.edu.cn



2015-09~2021-01  中国科学院上海应用物理研究所粒子物理与原子核物理学博士

2010-09~2014-07 河南师范大学物理学学士



2023-07~至今  上海理工大学讲师

2021-01~2023-06  复旦大学博士后

2018-11~2020-11  美国East Carolina University, 访问学者






1)      国家自然科学青年基金, 2022-01~2024-12, 主持

2)      中国博士后科学基金面上项目, 2021-01~2023-06, 主持

3)      国家自然科学重点项目, 2019-01~2023-12, 参与

4)      国家自然科学面上项目, 2023-01~2026-12, 参与



1.      Xin-Li Zhao, Zi-Wei Lin, Liang-Zheng, and Guo-Liang Ma, A transport model study of multiparticle cumulants in 𝑝+𝑝 collisions at 13 TeV, Physics Letters B 839, 137799 (2023).

2.      Xin-Li Zhao, Guo-Liang Ma, Yu-Gang Ma, 中高能重离子碰撞中的电磁场效应和手征反常现象, Acta Physica Sinica 72, 112502 (2023).

3.      Xin-Li Zhao, and Guo-Liang Ma, Search for the chiral magnetic effect in collisions between two isobars with deformed and neutron-rich nuclear structures, Physical Review C 106, 034909 (2022).

4.      Xin-Li Zhao, Guo-Liang Ma, Yu-Gang Ma, and Zi-Wei Lin. Validation and improvement of the ZPC parton cascade inside a box, Physical Review C 102, 024904 (2020).

5.      Xin-Li Zhao, Guo-Liang Ma, and Yu-Gang Ma. Novel mechanism for electric quadrupole moment generation in relativistic heavy-ion collisions, Physics Letters B 792, 413(2019).

6.      Xin-Li Zhao, Guo-Liang Ma and Yu-Gang Ma. Impact of magnetic-field fluctuations on measurements of the chiral magnetic effect in collisions of isobaric nuclei (Editors’ Suggestion), Physical Review C 99, 034903 (2019).

7.      Xin-Li Zhao, Yu-Gang Ma and Guo-Liang Ma. Electromagnetic fields in small systems from a multiphase transport model, Physical Review C 97, 024910 (2018).

8.      Chun-Wang Ma, Xin-Li Zhao, Yu-Gang Ma et al., Temperature determined by isobaric yield ratios in a grand-canonical ensemble theory, Physical Review C 88, 014609 (2013).

9.      Chun-Wang Ma, Heng-Li Song, Jie Pu, Xin-Li Zhao et al., Symmetry energy from neutron-rich fragments in heavy-ion collisions, and its dependence on incident energy, and impact parameters, Chinese Physics C, 37: 024102 (2013).

10.  王闪闪赵新丽张艳丽马春旺河南师范大学学报 (自然科学版),  41 (5): 188 (2013).

11.  马春旺普洁赵新丽王闪闪魏慧玲中国核科学技术进展报告 (第三卷) (2013).

12.  张莎王闪闪普洁赵新丽河南师范大学学报 (自然科学版), 40 (2): 185 (2012).