姓名 | 童元伟 | 照片 |
职称 | 副教授 | |
主要研究领域(300字以内) | 1.光子晶体及其潜在应用; 2.微波及光学波段负折射材料及其相关问题; 3.微波段超材料、超表面等特异材料及其机理研究; | |
电子邮箱 | tyw0991@usst.edu.cn | |
办公室 | 勤业楼508 | |
所在部门 | 理学院大学物理教研室 |
教育背景与工作经历 |
教育背景 1991.9-1995.7,宁波大学物理系学习,大学本科,获理学学士学位 1995.9-1997.7,上海理工大学管理学院系统工程专业学习,获管理学第二学士学位 2002.3-2006.5, 同济大学理学院凝聚态物理专业在职学习,获理学博士学位 工作经历 1997.7-2007.8,上海理工大学从事行政管理工作 2007.9-至今,理学院大学物理教研室,历任讲师、副教授 2007.12-2010.5,在上海理工大学光学工程博士后流动站从事博士后研究工作 2016.7-2017.7,公派Université de Montréal访问学者 |
科(教)研项目及成果 |
科研成果: 1.Tengfei Wang , Yuanwei Tong. (2022) Broadband and high-efficiency ultrathin wavefront manipulation based on the Pancharatnam–Berry phase principle, Applied Optics, 61( 21),6280-6288 2. Yunfeng Zhang, YuanWei Tong (2021) An ultrathin metasurface carpet cloak based on the generalized sheet transition conditions, Optics Communications 483,126590 3. HAN Xiaoxiao,TONG Yuanwei (2020) Design and application of birefringent metasurface based on π-shape structure, LASER TECHNOLOGY, 44(1), 42-49 4. HUANG Qiang,TONG Yuanwei (2020) A slow wave half mode substrate integrated waveguide band pass filter based on SCMRC structure, ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS AND MATERIALS, 39(9),72-77 5. ZHANG Hao,TONGYuan-wei, (2018) Tunable Pass-band Filter Based on One Dimensional Split Ring Resonant Structur, ACTA PHOTONICA SINICA, 47(7), 0723002 6. Zhao-Jie Zhu, Peng-Fang Liu,Yuan-Wei Tong.(2016) Improving image quality and stability of two-dimensional photonic crystal slab by changing surface structure of the photonic crystal, Optics Communications, 363, 195–200. 7. Liu Fengfang Zhu ZhaojieTong Yuanwei.(2015)Effects on Imaging Quality of Defects in the Photonic Crystal with Negative Refraciton Material,ACTA OPTICA SINICA, 35(4), 0416004. 8. TONG Yuan-wei,GU Zheng-tian, PU Sheng-li. (2013)Newton's ringfringes of equal in clinationinterference rings, College Physics, 32(12):34-36 9. Yuan-Wei Tong,Song-Lin Zhuang. (2013) Intensity depending on object distance in a two-dimensional photonic crystal. Optik,124:361-365 10.Yong Sun,Yuan-wei Tong,Chun-hua Xue, Ya-qiong Ding, Yun-hui Li, Haitao Jiang, and Hong Chen.(2013) Electromagnetic diode based on nonlinear electro magnetically induced transparency in metamaterials. Appl. Phys. Lett., 103:091904 11.Tong yuanwei.(2013) Effect of changing surface of structure of photonic crystals on image. Acta Photonica Sinica, 42(2):171-175 12. Yuan-Wei Tong, Shuang Tian,Song-Lin Zhuang. (2012) Imaging properties of triangular lattice photonic crystal at multi-bands. Optik., 123:590– 593 13. Tong Yuan-wei, Tian shuang, Zhuang song-lin. (2011) Sub-wavelength Imaging of the Two-dimensional Photonic Crystal with effective index close to -1. Acta. phys. Sin., 60(5):050000 14. Yuanwei Tong,Yewen Zhang. (2011) The Tunable Defect Modes in the Comb-Like Photonic Crystals. Micr. and Opti. Tech. Lett., Vol. 53(7):1652-1656 15. Tong Yuan-wei,Mao yu, Zhuang song-lin. (2010) Study on the 2-D Photonic Crystal with Negative Refractive Index at Multiple frequency Bands. Acta. phys. Sin., 59(8):5553-5558 16.Mao Yu,Tong yuanwei.(2010) Effect of the change of Surface of photonic crystals on the intensity of transmitted light. Acta Photonica Sinica., 39(9):1562-1566 17.Tong Yuanwei, Zhang Yewen, Li Hongqiang, Chen Hong, (2006) The band structure in Microwave frequency for quasi 1-D coaxial photonic crystals. Acta. phys. Sin., 55(02):0935-0940 18. TONG Yuanwei,ZHANG Yewen, HE Li, LI Hongqiang, CHEN Hong. (2006) Investigation on abnormal group velocities in 1-D coaxial photonic crystals. Chinese Science Bulletin., 51(11):1281—1286 19.Tong Yuan-Wei, Zhang Dongke, Li Hongqiang, Chen Hong, Zhang Yewen. (2004)Study on the Transmission Coefficient in Quasi-one-dimensional Coaxial Photonic Crystals. Journal of Microwaves, (2004):0076-0078 20.Yuan-Wei Tong,Peng-Fang Liu, and Zao-Jie Zhu. (2014) Surface Effect of the Two-dimensional Photonic Crystal on Imaging Property. In: Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Abstracts, Guangzhou, August 25-28 2014.China 21.Yuanwei Tong,Yewen Zhang, Hongqiang Li, Hong Chen. (2005) Experimental Investigation of Tunable Defect Modes in the Comb-Like Photonic Crystals. In: 2005Asia-Pacific Microwave conference Proceeding, Suzhou, December 4-7, 2005. China 22.Yuanwei Tong,Yewen Zhang, Li He, Hongqiang Li, Hong Chen. (2005) Study on Abnormal Group Velocities In 1-D Coaxial Photonic Crystals. In: Proceeding of Ismot, August 10-15, 2005.Japan 23.TongYuanwei, Zhang Yewen, Li Hongqiang, He Li, Chen Hong.(2004) Experimental observation of superluminal and negative group velocities in a coaxial photonic crystals. In Progress in Electromagnetics Research symposium Proceedings, Nanjing, August 28-31, 2004. China 24.Haiyang Li, Yewen Zhang,Yuanwei Tong,Li He, Hongqiang Li, Hong Chen. (2005). The Bragg Gap on One-Dimensional Composite Right/Left-Handed transmission Line. In: 2005 Asia-Pacific Microwave conference Proceeding, Suzhou, December 4-7, 2005. China. 科研项目: 主持完成省部级重点实验室开放课题1项,企业委托横向课题2项,参与国家自然科学基金等项目多项。 |
主讲课程 |
大学物理 人文物理 物理学史与物理学方法论,热力学与统计物理学,光子晶体原理及应用等; |
学术活动与社会服务 |
参与科普及宣传活动多项 |
荣誉 |
2019年上海市教卫系统优秀党务工作者 |