【学术报告】Microfluidics and its Applications forChemistry and Biology (微流控及其化学和生物学的应用)


Title: Microfluidics and its Applications forChemistry and Biology




主讲人:Prof. Z. Hugh Fan

Department of Mechanical & AerospaceEngineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering, and Department ofChemistry

University of Florida

Gainesville, FL

(范仲辉 教授




Abstract: Microfluidics is the platform technologythat has a potential to impact several fields including chemistry, biology andmedicine. The vision of miniaturizing a laboratory into a device in thesize of a computer chip has been receiving significant interests from bothacademia and industries. Potential applications of the portable,miniaturized devices include point-of-care testing (e.g., in emergency rooms),environmental monitoring, and detection of biowarfare agents in the field. In this presentation, a brief review will be given on the concept ofmicrofluidics, device fabrication, and fluid manipulation in mcroscale,followed by discussion on their various applications including tumor cellisolation, high-throughput protein synthesis, and two-dimensional proteinseparation.



Dr. Z. Hugh Fan is a UF Research Foundationprofessor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Departmentof Biomedical Engineering, and Department of Chemistry at the University ofFlorida (UF). Prior to joining UF in 2003, Dr. Fan was a PrincipalScientist at ACLARA BioSciences Inc. (Mountain View, CA) from 2000 to 2003 anda Member of the Technical Staff at Sarnoff Corp. (Princeton, NJ) from1995 to2000. He worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Ames Laboratory ofthe US Department of Energy at Iowa State University in 1994. Dr. Fanreceived his B.Sc. from Yangzhou Teachers' College in China and his Ph.D. fromthe University of Alberta in Canada. His research interests includemicrofluidics, BioMEMS (Biomedical MicroElectroMechanical Systems), sensors, cancerdiagnostics, and bioengineering. Dr. Fan's research has been funded by USNational Institute of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF),Army Research Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), andother agencies. He has authored over 60 journal articles that have beencited for more than 4200 times. Dr. Fan is the recipient of CareerAward from US National Institute of Health in 2011, Fraunhofer-BesselAward from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany) in 2010 and of E. T. S.Walton Award from Science Foundation Ireland in 2009.

(范博士2003年加入美国佛罗里达大学,现在是佛罗里达大学研究基金会(UFRF)讲席教授,并且是横跨机械和航空系、化学系以及医学和生物工程系的教授。从2000-2003年,范博士是美国ACLARA BioSciences公司的首席科学家,从1995-2000年,范博士是美国Sarnoff 公司的研究骨干。1994年,范博士在爱荷华州立大学的美国能源部的Ames 实验室做博士后。 范博士学士毕业于扬州大学,在加拿大的阿尔伯达大学取得博士学位。范博士的研究领域涵盖微流控、生物微机电系统、传感器、癌症诊断、以及生物医学工程等领域。范博士的研究得到美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health,NIH)、美国国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation, NSF)、美国陆军研究所(ArmyResearch Office)、美国国家航空航天局(National Aeronautics andSpace Administration,NASA)、以及其他基金会的支持。 他发表了60多篇主要刊物文章,被引用超过4200次。范博士得到过美国国立癌症研究院(NCI) 事业奖、奖德国洪堡基金会弗劳恩霍夫奖, 爱尔兰科学基金会沃尔顿奖。范教授还是“自然”杂志子刊“科学报告”Scientific Reports)编委、英国皇家化学学会“芯片实验室”(Lab on a Chip) 特邀编委、国际微全分析系统会议(MicroTAS)学术委员会(Technical Program Committee)、国际Pittsburgh 会议特邀报告会主席、美国国家科学基金会(NSF)专家评审组成员、美国国立卫生研究院 (NIH)专家评审组成员。我们不仅对范教授在学术上的高深研究感兴趣,因为我们学院化学系也在积极开展基于微观尺寸的纳米材料和微流控系统的生物分析和癌症诊疗方面的研究;我们尤其希望范教授能以国际前沿的研究机构和国际知名的学术刊物编委的视野给我们的研究一些建设性的指导。)
