

报告题目:热方程解的解析延拓性质及相关问题(On the analytic continuation of solutions of the heat equation andrelated problems.)

: 张长贵教授(Changgui Zhang),现任法国国家研究中心研究员、法国里尔大学数学学院教授。主要从事常微分方程、偏微分方程以及差分方程的解析理论研究工作,近期在关注解析数论与模函数。



报告摘要:The heat equation may be viewed as one of the most important of PDEs. Theanalytic theory of this equation has been really started with the PhD thesis ofS. Kowalevskaya. Besides, the introduction of the Gevrey classes of functionshave also been motived by the study of some parabolic PDEs by M. Gevrey. Morerecently, with the development of the analytic theory of ODE in the complexplan, many researchers worked on the analytic theory of PDEs. In this talk, Iwill give an outline of some of these works related to the heat equation.

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