

报告题目:Influences of adaptive behaviors on population dynamics

报告人:王稳地 教授



报告摘要:First, I introduce the basic population models with adaptive behaviors. Then I talk how adaptive dispersal behaviors of individuals affect population dynamics. When patch models are considered, we show that the adaptive migrations enhance the population persistence and spatial distributions. After that, I consider the PDE models incorporating the reposes of population on environment changes, and present the conditions for population persistence and the rich patterns of persistence.


王稳地教授简介:王稳地,西南大学数学与统计学院教授,博士生导师, 中国生物数学学会副理事长,2005年获得重庆市名师称号, 2018年获得重庆市最美教师称号;从事生物数学的研究,在种群动力学和传染病动力学建模和分析方面发表论文100多篇,四次入选Elsevier数学类高引用论文作者;已经主持国家自然科学基金课题6项、教育部项目2项,目前担任两个国际刊物编委。