



邮箱:651862963@qq.com, chengp@usst.edu.cn


2019.05-上海理工大学化学系            讲师

2016.8-2019.05      国家纳米科学中心 理论室           博士后

2011.9-2016.6  北京化工大学    化学工程与技术工学博士

2007.9-2011.6 烟台大学       化学工程与工艺工学学士


  1. 材料的多尺度模拟研究

  2. 纳米材料的结构、性质和催化反应(CO2还原、H2O分解、HEROER……)的模拟研究

  3. 人工智能药物设计与蛋白结构预测


已发表SCI论文20余篇,其中以第一作者或者通讯作者在Joule(IF41.3)Adv. Funct. MaterIF18.8),Nano EnergyIF17.9),NanoscaleIF: 7.8),Int. J. Hydrogen EnergIF: 5.8)等国际知名期刊上发表多篇论文。


  1. Ping Cheng, Hui Wang, and Xinghua Shi, The Effect of Phenylalanine Ligands on the Chiral-Selective Oxidation of Glucose on Au(111), Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 3050-57

  2. Chuan Liu*Shuaishuai Wang, Xuchun Wang, Xiangju Ye, Zirong Li, Jumeng Wei, Ping Cheng * and Yingjie Lic, Structural, elastic and electronic properties of atomically thin pyridyne: theoretical predictions, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2021, 23, 5385

  3. Shuang Cao, Ting-Shan Chan, Ying-Rui Lu, Xinghua Shi, Bing Fu, Zhijiao Wu, Hongmei Li, Kang Liu, Sarah Alzuabi, Ping Cheng*, Min Liu*, Tao Li*, Xiaobo Chen*, and Lingyu Piao*. Photocatalytic Pure Water Splitting with High Efficiency and Value by Pt/Porous Brookite Tio2 Nanoflutes, Nano Energy, 2020, 67, 104287

  4. Weijia Huang, Zhongmin Wu, and Ping Cheng*, Heat and Mass Transfer Characteristic of Vertical Falling Film Generator with Annular Structure for Ammonia-Water System, J. Renew. Sustain. Ener., 2019,11, 064701

  5. Yonglong Zheng#, Ping Cheng#, Jiansheng Xu, Jianyu Han, Dawei Wang, Changlong Hao, Hamideh Rezvani Alanagh, Chang Long, Xinghua Shi, and Zhiyong Tang, Mof-Derived Nitrogen-Doped Nanoporous Carbon for Electroreduction of Co2 to Co: The Calcining Temperature Effect and the Mechanism, Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 4911-17

  6. Yawen Dai#, Ping Cheng#, Guancai Xie, Chengcheng Li, Muhammad Zain Akram, Beidou Guo, Rajender Boddula, Xinghua Shi, Jinlong Gong, and Jian Ru Gong, Modulating Photoelectrochemical Water-Splitting Activity by Charge-Storage Capacity of Electrocatalysts, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2019, 123, 28753-28762

  7. Xu, Liguang#, Maozhong Sun#, Ping Cheng#, Rui Gao, Hui Wang, Wei Ma, Xinghua Shi, Chuanlai Xu and Hua Kuang. 2D Chiroptical Nanostructures for High-Performance Photooxidants. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2018, 1707237

  8. Cao, Shuang, Yong Chen*, Hui Wang, Jie Chen, Xinghua Shi, Hongmei Li, Ping Cheng*, Xinfeng Liu*, Min Liu* and Lingyu Piao*. Ultrasmall CoP Nanoparticles as Efficient Cocatalysts for Photocatalytic Formic Acid Dehydrogenation. Joule2018, 2, 1-9.

  9. Ping Cheng, Yongpeng Yang, and Shiping Huang. Theoretical Insights into the Interaction between RunPt13-n (n=4, 7 and 9) Clusters and [Bmim]+ Based Ionic Liquids: Effect of Anion. J. Mol. Graph. Model. 2017, 74, 117-124

  10. Ping Cheng, Yongpeng Yang, Nouman Ahmad, Shengli Zhang, and Shiping Huang Ru55 nanoparticles catalyze the dissociation of H2O monomer and dimer to produce hydrogen: A comparative DFT study,Int. J.Hydrogen Energ. 2016, 41, 3844-3853.

  11. Ping Cheng, Chuan Liu, Yongpeng Yang, and Shiping Huang. First-principle investigation of the interactions between PtxRu55–x(x= 0, 13, 42, 55) nanoparticles and [BMIM][PF6] ionic liquid. Chem. Phys. 2015, 452, 1-8.

  12. Ping Cheng, Shengli Zhang, Peng Wang, Shiping Huang, and Huiping Tian.First-principles investigation of thiophene adsorption on Ni13 and Zn@Ni12 nanoclusters. Comput. Theor. Chem. 2013, 1020, 136-142.

  13. Ting Yu, Ping Cheng, Shiping Huang, Peng Wang, and Huiping Tian. First-principle investigation of thiophene adsorption on TM (Ni/Co/Mn)-doped (ZnO)15 nanotube. Comput. Theor. Chem.2015, 1057, 15-23.

  14. Jianxiu Zhu, Ping Cheng, Ning Wang, and Shiping Huang. Insight into the structural and electronic properties of Pd55–nNin (n= 0–55) clusters: A density functional theory study. Comput. Theor. Chem. 2015, 1071, 9-17.

  15. Yongpeng Yang, Ping Cheng, Shengli Zhang, and Shiping Huang. Theoretical Insights into the CO Dimerization and Trimerization on Pt Nanocluster. RSC Adv.2016, 6, 4354–4364

  16. Man Xue, Ping Cheng, Ning Wang, Yunhan Li, and Shiping Huang. Insight into the relationship between structural and electronic properties of bimetallic RhnPt55-n (n=0–55) clusters with cuboctahedral structure: DFT approaches. J. Clust. Sci.. 2016,27, 895-911

  17. Yongpeng Yang, Ping Cheng, and Shiping Huang. Unraveling the Roles of Iron in Stabilizing the Defective Graphene-Supported Pt Fe Bimetallic Nanoparticles. J. Alloy. Compd.2016, 688, 1172-1180.

  18. Yongpeng Yang, Ping Cheng, and Shiping Huang. Theoretical Study on the Catalysis Effect of Platinum Cluster During Carbon Monoxide Polymer Growth.  ChemistrySelect  2017, 2, 2150-2158.

  19. Li, Y., Z. Di, J. Gao, P. Cheng, C. Di, G. Zhang, B. Liu, X. Shi, L. D. Sun, L. Li and C. H. Yan. Heterodimers Made of Upconversion Nanoparticles and Metal-Organic Frameworks. J .Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 13804-13810.

