

报告题目:Modelling the treatment of melanoma with dendritic cell vaccines and immune checkpoint inhibitors

报告人:薛 玲  教授 (哈尔滨工程大学数学科学学院)



报告摘要:Dendritic cell (DC) vaccines and immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) play critical roles in shaping the immune responses of tumor cells (TCs), and are widely used in cancer immunotherapies. Quantitatively evaluating the effectiveness of these therapies are essential for the optimization of treatment strategies.  In this talk, I present the mathematical models developed to predict the responses of melanoma patients to immunotherapy. Multiple monotherapies and combined therapy with model simulations were tested. Our results indicated that DC vaccines can decelerate the growth of TCs, ICIs can inhibit the growth of TCs, both therapies can prolong the lifetime of patients, and the combined therapy of DC vaccines and ICIs can effectively eradicate TCs.

薛玲教授简介: 教授、博士生导师、生物数学团队学科带头人、黑龙江省工业与应用数学会常务理事、黑龙江省工程与应用重点实验室副主任、Applied Science and Technology 期刊的编委、Frontiers in Physics期刊的客座主编。2013年在美国堪萨斯州立大学获得博士学位,2014年至2016年,在美国杜兰大学数学系与数学计算科学中心,从事博士后研究工作,合作导师是James. Mac Hyman教授;2016年至2017年,受到加拿大太平洋数学研究院和加拿大曼尼托巴大学数学系的联合资助,在加拿大曼尼托巴大学数学系与Julien Arino以及Felicia Magpantay共同合作研究。在Journal of Differential EquationSIAM J Appl MathPloS Neglected Tropical DiseasesBulletin of Mathematical BiologyJournal of Theoretical BiologyMathematical BiosciencesSCI 期刊发表论文30余篇。
